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WANTED: Anyone wanting to purchase any number of small tools and engineering items. Happy to supply someone looking to stock or set up a small business selling all sorts of tooling, from taps and dies to hand tools to drill chucks, etc, etc..... Ideal for selling on line or shows/events. Please call me, Howard, on 07753 610420.

Just arrived, waiting for photos to be published. Call for early viewing.

Myford Super 7B lathe with gearbox & power cross feed. Late grey model from the original Nottingham factory. Good alround condition but has had a little more use than some of my other lathes. A top spec machine that won't break the bank.

LONG BED Myford Super 7B lathe with gearbox, power cross feed & Induction Hardened bedways. Green model with very little use. Can be supplied with a matching industrial cabinet (with optional extra sliding cabinet doors) and original full length splackback. Has the later forward/reverse & stop button switching unit. I can sell this at an attractive price if you would like to take the machine before it is cleaned. It does not need much of a clean and in excellent condition, I just have plenty to do ! Do call and ask.

Myford ML7 lathes. We have about 10 examples waiting for a quick clean and photos. Some with a clutch, some with a Norton gearbox. You are more than welcome to visit to view them all for an excellent choice. Just give me a call, happy to talk you through them to find one suitable. All are very good machines.

New in, photos just added, see below.

BIG BORE SPINDLE Myford Super 7B Plus lathe with gearbox, power cross feed & Induction Hardened bedways. Turquoise model from the original Nottingham factory. Can be sold as a bench mounted machine or on a matching turquoise industrial cabinet with driptray, riser blocks & full length splashback. Single phase machine with forward/reverse. Do call as these Nottingham Big Bore Myfords are hard to find.

LONG BED Myford ML SPEED 10 lathe. Top of the range ML10. Green model with very little use. Has the double pulley and belt tensioner for the motor to countershaft, meaning double the speed options. Has the dog clutch and leadscrew handle. On raiser blocks, original driptray and forward/reverse capability. A great option for those requiring a very capable, but lighter lathe to install. I can't see it's been used much at all. Offered at a reduced price if sold before I clean it !


Also available:

Myford ML7 complete motor bracket with counter shaft.

Myford cabinet stands for sale. Industrial or standard, for long or standard bed Myford lathes.


You are most welcome to call Howard at any time on 01225 812155 or 07753 610420 to discuss or reserve any machine for sale here.

Part Exchange welcome.

Click on image for more detailed photos, information and sale price.

Main view big bore spindle Myford super 7 Plus 7B lathe for sale SK171188bed view big bore spindle Myford super 7 Plus 7B lathe for sale SK171188covers view big bore spindle Myford super 7 Plus 7B lathe for sale SK171188

Myford Big Bore SpindleSuper 7B Plus
lathe with power corss feed. Very little use.
Myford Nottingham. IMPERIAL

Myford Super 7 pcf + dro lathe for sale SK160569

Very Low Hours Myford Super 7.
Stunning condition with Power Cross Feed.
DRO installed & on all 3 axes.

right view Myford Super 7B Longbed lathe for saleright view Myford Super 7B Longbed lathe for sale

Myford Super 7B Lathe with Gearbox,
Power Cross Feed & Induction Hardened


Induction Hardened Bedways

We have 2 available both with Ind. Hard. Bed, one with Industrial Cabinet & splash back.

Myford Super 7B power cross feed & gearbox lathe for sale SK154288

Another stunning Myford Super 7B lathe
with Gearbox & Power Cross Feed.

All my lathes are original Nottingham Myfords.

Non of my lathes are repainted !!

main Myford Super 7 power cross feed lathe SK166804 for sale SK153023 variable speedmain Myford Super 7 power cross feed lathe SK166804 for sale SK153023

Stunning Myford Super7 Lathe. Imperial.
Power Cross Feed. Very little use.
Variable Speed.

Variable speed Invertek Optidrive E2.

main Myford Super 7 power cross feed lathe SK166804 for sale SK153103

Stunning Myford Super7 Lathe. Imperial.
Power Cross Feed. Cherished Lathe.
Super machine. Very little use.

front view Myford super 7 7B lathe for sale SK1131562gearbox view Myford super 7 7B lathe for sale SK1131562saddle view Myford super 7 7B lathe for sale SK1131562

Fabulous original grey Myford Super 7B
lathe with Power Cross Feed.
A stunning example. Imperial.

For the purest wanting the best of grey.

Cherrished top of the range machine.

Another similar grey machine just arrived. Very almost as superb. As good a machine for a bit less.

main Myford super 7 7B lathe for sale SK120386pulley Myford super 7 7B lathe for sale SK120386gearbox Myford super 7 7B lathe for sale SK120386

Excellent original grey Myford Super 7B
lathe with Power Cross Feed.
Another super example. Imperial.

Nottingham top of the range machine.

Almost as good as the grey example above at a better price point..


main Myford super 7 lathe for sale SK109130main Myford super 7 lathe for sale SK109130

Lovely Super 7 lathe. Obviously cherrished.
Really fine example for a budget that
will suit many. Imperial.

Excellent Value.

Myford cabinet stand for Super 7 ML7 ML7R lathes for saleIndustrial Myford cabinet stand for Super 7 ML7 ML7R lathes for saleMyford cabinet stand for Super 7 ML7 ML7R lathes for saleMyford cabinet stand for Super 7 ML7 ML7R lathes for sale

Selection of Myford cabinet stands.
Genuine Nottingham factory cabinets for
Myford's Super 7, ML7R & ML7 lathes.

Many more including original green.

Long bed cabinet also available.

Green, industrial splack back too.

Main view big bore spindle Connoisseur Myford super 7 7B lathe for sale SK171598Main view big bore spindle Connoisseur Myford super 7 7B lathe for sale SK171598

UNUSED !! Myford Big Bore Super 7B
Myford Nottingham. IMPERIAL

CONNOISSEUR, top of the range.














Main Myford ML7 lathe for sale K82105spindle Myford ML7 lathe for sale K82105bed Myford ML7 lathe for sale K82105

Excellent original Myford ML7 lathe.
Comes with the desired clutch.
Spindle, bed, saddle etc, all look good.

Wonderful condition. Great value.

Myford ML10 Speed diamond 10 lathe for sale

Myford Speed 10 Lathe in exceptional
condition. Slighlty smaller than an ML7
but with the same build quality.

Cherrished. Great Value.

Top of the range ML10.

Long bed version.

Myford Super 7 lathe with power cross feed for sale.Myford Super 7 lathe with power cross feed for sale.

Stunning Myford Super 7 Lathe with
power cross feed.
An original Nottingham machine.

Bought new and perhaps used twice !!!

right view Myford Super 7B lathe Induction hardened bedways for sale SK168747right view Myford Super 7B lathe Induction hardened bedways for sale

Myford Super 7B Lathe with Gearbox,
Power Cross Feed & Induction Hardened


Induction Hardened Bedways

Hardly used.

Myford ML7 lathe with clutch for sale. K122739Myford ML7 lathe with clutch for sale. K122739

Excellent Myford ML 7 Lathe with
later type top slide & zero setting dials.
A good original Nottingham machine.


main Myford ML10 lathe for sale V155100main Myford ML10 lathe for sale V155100

Myford ML10 Lathe in very good
condition. Slighlty smaller than an ML7.
Has the desired leadscrew dog clutch.

Myford ML10 Speed diamond 10 lathe for sale

Myford ML10 Lathe in excellent
condition. Slighlty smaller than an ML7
but with the same build quality.

main Myford ML7 Myford nottingham lathe for sale

Lovely Myford ML7.
Not refurbished, an original in

great condition. Imperial.

main Myford ML7 Myford nottingham lathe for sale

Very good Myford ML7.
Not refurbished, an original in

very nice condition. Imperial.

Myford High Swing ML7 lathe for sale Ferodo Ltd K49000

SUPER RARE Original Myford Raised,
High-Swing ML7 lathe. For brake shoes,
clutch plates & wheel hubs. Imperial.

Originally designed for Ferodo Ltd.

13" Swing over bed

High-Swing whilst maintaining screwcutting.

main Myford  254 PLUS lathe for sale. D1-3 Camlockcontrol Myford  254 PLUS lathe for sale. D1-3 Camlockbed Myford  254 PLUS lathe for sale. D1-3 Camlock

Myford 254 PLUS Lathe in amazing
condition. Top of the range with D1-3
Camlock spindle. Privately owned.

Stunning PLUS model.

Cabinet, Induction Hardened Bedways.


IMPRESSIVE / LARGE / QUALITY, complete workshop setup in Bexhill, near Hastings, for sale.

CLICK HERE, for photos.


main Myford ML7R Super 7 lathe for sale KR147284

Myford ML7R Lathe.
Excellent original condition.
Single phase one direction motor.

Great value machine.



Call Howard on 01225 812155 or 07753 610420
Alternatively email:



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