Rishton Milling head and column.
Harrison M300 lathe botton bracket.
Could be used with a compound table.
Fix to rear of lathe bed or use compound table.
Quality Item.

Genuine Cowells Jacot tool for
Cowells CW90 or ME90 lathe.
Clockmaker's must have item.
No longer available from Cowells.

Dickson S1X Quick Change Tool post &
holders. Suitable for Colchester Bantam
MK2 2000 or similar size lathes.
Genuine Dickson. 73 x 73 x 73mm.
3 Position tool post.
Same size as the Byson T1X.

G.P. Potts MT2 tailstock capstan unit.
Original factory item and quite rare.
Will fit your Myford MT2 tailstock.
Wonderful item.
From Troutbeck, Windermere.
Just arrived, the lower red capstan unit.

Emco Unimat 3 Accessories

Cowells ME90 & CW90

Huge selection of quality centres, full,
half, wood turning, 90 degree countersink,
arbors, etc. 1MT, 2MT, Dorma & others.
£ please call

Selection of Die Holders available. 2MT so
ideal for Myford ML10, ML7, ML7,
Super 7 & other lathes. Sliding type.
£ Various
Top right: Arrand with 4 sizes.
Bottom right: Myford Nottingham type.

Pratt & Burnerd Dicksons T112 D0143 &
D0153 Quick change tool holders for S2T.
2 x std & 1 x V holder.
98 x 57.6 x 40mm. 28.8mm tool height.
S2T for Colchester Triumph 2000 & others.