An impressive Edgar Westbury Seal Major petrol engine for sale. A 4 cylinder Hemmingway built kit.
This engine is the Seal Major 30cc larger brother to the 15cc Seal.
It's a well built model and almost goes. I say almost as it fired up very briefly (did not contine running) but we feel perhaps the distributer could be refined and might be the reason for it not running fully. Internally it looks well made. The crank and cam shaft do look very nicely made. Pistons in the bore also a very good fit. All 4 plugs spark with a firing order of 1, 3, 4, 2 (1 being at the distributor end). Flywheel direct is clockwise. There are all new gaskets throuhout. Drain plug also fitted. Currently no oil in the sump, so please remember this.
Price: £ SOLD (No additional VAT to add)
Happy to consider a loco, traction, or stationary/marine/aero engines as a part exchange.
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