main Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale. front Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale.
cylinder Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale. valve Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale.
cladding Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale. chest Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale.
linkage Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale. beam Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale.
flywheel Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale. crank Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale.
valve2 Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale. front2 Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale.
end Stuart live steam Beam engine for sale.  


Very well built Stuart live steam beam engine for sale.

Super detail with the cladding, taper linkage (many people just make the linkage with flat bar sections), and drain cocks with elegant pipework.

Base is 16" x 7.25", heigtht is 10.5" (12" tall with base) and the flywheel is 7".

Runs nicely on air too.

Price:  £ 975 (No additional VAT to add)

Happy to consider a loco, traction, or stationary/marine/aero engines as a part exchange.

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Call Howard on 01225 812155 or 07753 610420
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