main Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale front Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale
main2 Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale top Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale
crank Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale cylinder Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale
crank Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale motion Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale
valve Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale air Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale
side Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale back Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale
belt Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale motor Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale
scale Bob Middleton Monitor twin cylinder live steam engines for sale  


An extremely impressive and well finished twin cylinder Monitor live steam engine for sale. Bob Middleton design, as seen on Brian Stephenson's web site. She runs nicely on air, even without a flywheel. The addition of a flywheel would make the running smoother at slower speeds, however the base houses an electric motor that can be used to drive the engine for show, or could easily be removed/disconnected. The air inlet pipe can be inverted to attach an air line.

The base measures 16" x 10" and is 9.5" tall (11.75" tall to top of pipe).

The finish on the Aluminium is excellent and the base is very well made too.

It's an extremely interesting engine to watch running and a rare and important engine for any private collection. I doubt we will come across another.

Offers Invited.

Price:  £2,675 (No additional VAT to add)

Happy to consider a loco, traction, or stationary/marine/aero engines as a part exchange.

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